Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1 "Froggy"

Here's my first photo of my challenge. As soon as I saw this froggy at my mom's house I just knew I had to shoot it. It is shot from inside the house, the frog was in front of a window and the bushes were far away, so that I got a nice shallow depth of field. My post processing sucks. But hopefully that will improve with this challenge. Please leave me any and all comments.


  1. Cute froggy! Nice use of DoF and composition. Good start to the challenge.

  2. Great DOF ReeREE!! And what a super cute froggie!! Great job!! :D

  3. What a sweet frog, I like the angle you chose too.
    Great Start!!!

  4. Lovely pic. The dof works so well here. Nice start.

  5. Love the expression on that frog's face, and the angle and shallow DOF are great. Nice start to your challenge!

  6. That's such an adorable frog! I love the askew angle, too, such a whimsical photo :)

  7. Good choice of subject, I think a little fill in flash would have helped to bring out the colours on the frog, especially with such a bright background.


  8. He's so cute! Perfect for your first day :D

  9. I love your composition on this! I love how he is placed in one corner, and angles toward the other one.

  10. How cute! Is that his fly swatter so that he doesn't have to use his tongue? ;-)

  11. I tried a fill flash, but that didn't work because right behind the froggy is a window. To mush flash reflection.

    Thanks for all the great comments.

  12. Hi!

    Sorry to bug you this way, but as I got excommunicated at Worth1000 because of raising "bad questions" (I have yet to understand what that could be and asked the board to tell me, but haven't gotten any response yet) I want to thank you for the nice shoot in January. Wish I could have played in that HxH tournament, but as the admins decided my questions had been too harsh and dangerous for the moral and integrity of the Worth community, it's sadly not going to happen.

    Enjoy your time at w1k and be careful what you ask, and where…
