Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14 "Fisherman"

This is a portion of my dad's lamp. It's my favorite lamp, and yes I bought it for him. I got good taste...ahahahahah.


  1. The colours are great and the exposure looks great too, I think you've got a little camera shake going on though. If you don't have a tripod to use, try resting the camera or your arms on something to steady the shot, and also using the self-timer can help you to keep the shot steady as you can brace yourself firmly and hold your breath better as the camera clicks the shutter for itself.

  2. I agree with MrNelson. The details could have mor bright colors and contrasts with differnt focus. The ocmposition and light is very good too.
    And I would like to have that pelican in my collection! (-:

  3. I like the subject and composition a lot but it looks a bit blurry to me

  4. He looks like a typical jolly sailor-man (are they always jolly?). There is a bit of distracting blur though, that could be reduced with a steadier hand or a tripod. Sometimes these things happen when we shoot in a hurry! One of those days!

  5. The thing I noticed more than anything wasn't the blur but the fabulous composition. I think it works extremely well.

  6. Good composition and also a good subject to shoot.
    Slightly blurry, try propping your camera on something, even a bean bag can be a help sometimes.
    A very jolly looking gentleman, the pelican with the fish in it's mouth looks so greedy.

  7. What a cool image! I love the highlights and the crisp background.
