Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 "The Lord's Supper"

I thought this looked much better in black and white. Hope you enjoy it.


  1. I've never seenround metal communion glass holders before. We use wooden trays with handles. Very balanced composition.

  2. I like the B&W you choose for this one.
    A bit cluttered plus no where for the eye to fly to. A way to fix that would be to have the holder tray over to the left more and the cross ( as the focal point ) down and to the left and so bringing it more into the field of the "rule of thirds."
    Nice DoF, work more on your white/contrast in PS.

  3. I love the idea of this one. I think this is one you should go back and re-shoot if you have the opportunity.

  4. A shot of just the communion glasses and holder would be cool too...lit by candlelight would be interesting. I like the lace background.

  5. I love your theme here! I am planning on doing a shot from my church tomorrow, as I have a meeting tomorrow. I hope my idea works out as well as yours did!

  6. I like the fact that the little glass things are empty in the middle and have something in them on the outer edge.

  7. Your black and white toning is lovely, and I like how the Bible is out of focus so that it is sort of only hinted at, while attention stays on the communion tray thingy. Nice work!

  8. lovely here ree!!! I like this alot!
