Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29 "Game"

Today was a free day for me, since K uploaded her humans one. So this is what I came up with. Anyone wanna play? Actually you can teach me again. I forgot how to play.


  1. You've got the same set as Hick Chick. It's interesting how different people compose things so differently. Lovely black background - really brings out the colours and no, I although I have the game, I don't remember how to play it off hand!

  2. Lovely bright colours in this one, and your background is very good.
    I'd have liked to see the whole thing in focus.
    Getting close now!!!

  3. I have enjoyed your gallery and the variety of images. Almost done!
    Great job!

  4. Great colors, and great composition!!!
    This is cridley......

  5. Lovely colours and DOF and the diagonal composition works very well. Jolly well done.

  6. Great composition and colors on this one!!!

  7. sorry ree i had bailed on you for this day... i got so dang busy... i love this shot though... very nice job!!!

  8. Hey! I'll play a game with you :D As Andromeda pointed out, we have the same board.
